30 April 2008

A contest staggers on; a Radical Proposition for a New Christian Biblical Canon; the Increased Need for Creative Discipline; Some disjointed facts

Dearest Clank asks if the contest to produce the most sensible explanation of the use of the phrase "Pippa Passes" by this scribe is still going on. Well, the only response to it I received was from Bro. Joel who correctly identified its origin (poetic play by the same name by Robert Browning), but declined the prize of a fine book from the Endless Box of Books because he has plenty to read already. (Strange attitude, that -- there are never enough books.) Ok, Clank, darling, the contest goes on! The first and best (aside - that may be mutually exclusive - in other words, I will judge the competition by naked caprice) explanation of WHY I use "Pippa Passes" so frequently wins. Hint: The answer is obscure and metaphorical, and also representative of my curmudgeonly ethic.

In Bible study, we are about to study the Book of Philemon (fy-LEE-mon), one of the letters of Paul. This one is written to Philemon, a rich guy, concerning a newly-converted runaway slave named Onesimus (oh-NEES-e-mus) and, if you close one eye and stand on one foot, it can be read as moderately disapproving of slavery. The MacArthur Study Bible (heartily recommended by Bro. Joel as very helpful in figuring out what's going on, and he's right) says that the early Church refrained from condemning slavery because it was so widespread that such a position would have resulted in even stronger suppression of the Christians. I sense a bit of situational ethics there. The Book of Philemon is short and obscure, but on the other hand it manages to ramble without making a point. So, I have a radical suggestion. I'm not sure who would comprise the Supreme Council of the Universal Church, but we need to find them and they need to meet. I envision that they will pour over the back issues of No. 3 Equity Court, and find the (host of) observations which are pithy, pointed and Universally True. They will proceed to number the posts by chapter and verse, and replace the Book of Philemon with the Book of No. 3 Equity Court. OK, I've done my part, get busy and summon the Council.

Self-publication - by blog, website, PC/Mac with printer, digital camera & photo printer, spell check, grammar check, Google, etc. - has innundated our lives with visual and language-based information and product. A natural effect is that the quality of that product has diminished markedly. Take photography. It used to be, you had to dump a good bit of money into a decent camera, dump lots more money into film, and then dump a whole lot more money into developing. That kept amateur and uninspired and untrained photographers in check, because random or mindlessly fanatic production costs a whole lot of money. And take the art of the essayist, which is practiced with greater or lesser skill by about every blogger. Before 1900 or so, essays were handwritten and the factual information therein had to be gathered grain by grain from physically written sources or from direct observation. Cursive writing is done slowly, so I presume that those essayists had more time to think about what they were writing and more opportunity to reflect and modify after the first draft. The cost of manually setting type and printing raised a pretty high expense-bar, and only quality work cleared that bar. This is the challenge of the 21st Century writer, photographer, philosopher or artist -- absent the financial disciplining automatic in manual publication, we have to find some inner discipline to think and produce high quality things. That just ain't easy.

Random facts which are figuring in further writing:
A cabin heated by wood uses about 15 cords of wood per year, which is the yield of 0.7 acres. (A cord is the amount of firewood which can be stacked in a volume 4'x4'x8'.)
Conventional 2-lane highway consumes 100 acres per mile. (1 acre = 44,560 square feet.)
Interstate (4+ lane, limited access) highway uses 600 acres per mile.
"Disabled" is a poor vocational choice.
"Alimony recipient" is a poor vocational choice.
It's a dangerous world, and there are lots of dangerous and nasty people in it.
Gasoline engines are very inefficient (i.e., the great majority of the energy content is wasted as heat rather than used to propel the vehicle).
Cars move people very inefficiently, i.e., you need to spend the energy to move 2000 pounds of metal along with 200 pounds of person.
The loudest environmentalist (pejorative) or most committed conservationist (favorable connotation) is about as responsible as the Caddy-driving millionaire for the climate/environmental mess.
The entire concept of energy consists of management and movement of solar-created resources.
If it rains on Monday, it rains all week. (That one isn't true, but it's catchy.)

Pippa passes.


28 April 2008

Cause and effect, and other fables

It’s late, late, and I’m filing stuff online at the Federal District Court, and writing some political stuff and generally being grumpy.

An observation: Normally, large action gets large consequence; small action gets small consequence. But there are lots of exceptions, times where something small may cause large things to happen. Perhaps, hopefully, I encountered one such event tonight. I stopped at WalMart for odds & ends on my way home from Mon General Hospital (seeing Bill Reid). As I was checking out, a young man who was the cashier spied my ring and asked me if I was a Mason, and what it was all about. In a crowded line, there wasn’t a lot of time for much explanation, but I gave him about two sentences, and gave him one of my private cards, and told him that if he wants to pursue this, to call me. A cashier from WalMart? OF COURSE. The lodge is not a hangout of the “elite” (whoever the hell they are) or the intelligentsia (ditto), it’s a place for good men who aspire to become better men. President Truman was a well-known Mason, having been Grand Master in Missouri. While he was in office, he went to a lodge meeting. That was presided over by the “Master,” who happened to be employed as a White House gardener. Someone gave Harry noise about that, and he reacted angrily, that there is no such thing as a “better” person, that indeed all men are created equal. I didn’t do anything extraordinary in giving this kid a card. I hope that what I did was simply the right thing. Maybe if there is a secret to life, there it is – keep doing the right thing. If this guy “asks the question,” the term of art for seeking to join, it will be an important step in his life. Perhaps he will become a Master Mason. Perhaps he will even affect someone else’s life like Bill Reid has affected my life. Casting your bread upon the water is a small action that can have a large consequence. We’re all in this together, remember?

Oh - we hired a paralegal today. One of those thing-that-just-happened-for-some-unknowable-reason things. Oddly, we received a terrible, negative reference by someone for whose opinion we have such a respect that it counted very much in her favor. (“Such a respect” doesn’t denote anything positive, you know.)

I’ve been catching some noise about my support of Justice Maynard. No big deal, this is not the grade school playground, this is politics. Screw ‘em. The First Amendment applies to me, too. Why is it that in political discourse, it’s never appropriate to say that “so and so is wrong because . . .”, but rather we must say that “so and so is a son-of-a-bitch.”? Puerile.

Pippa passes.


27 April 2008

Difficult weekend

A few reflections tonight.

Does it amount to whining if I say I’m really fried tonight?

See below the status of Bro. Bill. Dealing with a dear friend who knows that the end of his life is in sight is a wake-up call of the first order. I wish I knew what to make of it. Bro. Gary and I have been reading to Bill (the Bible) and he has enough wind to discuss it a little bit with us. He is facing the ultimate test of life. Perhaps all that we can hope for in life is to face that in our own time with the same degree of faith and peace. I mentioned in the “joys & concerns” section of the service at church today Bill’s situation and the fact that I know he needs prayer but I have no clue what to pray for. Pastor Josh suggests that we simply ask God to “teach us to pray.”

In accordance with a very, very old custom of the mountains, one of the things being read to Billy is the “Song of Songs,” one of the most wistful and beautiful things in the Bible.

The Fairmont Field Club burned to the ground last night. It was a huge, old structure built in the 1920's, with charm and beauty. Being that it was an unattended building at night, the fire had advanced a long way before the alarm was turned in, and it was fully involved when the first engine got there. This suggests the usefulness of alarm systems. There are national companies now competing at decent prices for monitored alarm systems. I’m checking into that for the church.

On a quick B&N trip today with Grandmother, I had the family drop me off at B&N because I wasn't interested in lunch, and I confess that I spent a delicious, almost illicit hour reading. One of the things I was reading was in a primer for people who carry arms on occasion, strongly suggesting that everyone carry capstun, so that you will have an effective yet non-lethal alternative. Make sense to me. Capstun (pepper spray) really does put people down.


Pippa passes.


Bill Reid update - big problems

Brethren -

Bill Reid remains in the cardiac care at Mon General. He is on a breathing mask (not tube), and had a really, really bad spell yesterday. Right now, he’’s holding his own. The doc up there says that he has something like 50-50 chance, and that if he gets out of the hospital, it’’ll be into some sort of nursing home and that he will have a "poor quality of life," that’’s the doc’’s words.

Bill made arrangements a long time ago for what to do when this sort of stuff happens - the guys with whom he’’s made those arrangements are all keeping in the loop on the details of what’’s going on =- Bill is still alert, making his own decisions. He is fully aware that he is in terrible danger. Assisting us A LOT is Rev. Josh Patty, Bro. Bolyard's & my minister - Bill's minister is away for some weeks.

Bill is as alert as you can be on a boatload of drugs and with a breathing mask. We have left a Bible in the room (large print, because Bro. Bolyard keeps forgetting his reading glasses!), and Billy really likes to have guys read to him from the Bible. He vocalizes being at peace, that he know that he’’s saved, and that whichever way it goes, he wins. "His will be done," that's what Bill told us today. Well, he is going through the ULTIMATE TERROR and test of life GO SEE BILL - cardiac care is on the third floor of Mon General - they know that the brethren will be visiting, they have no problem with that - maximum of 3 visitors at a time - READ TO BILL - TALK TO BILL - he is a man’’s man, and deserves our continuing brotherly love.

Oh, and don’’t forget that we ran into a brother at Fitzwater’’s (219 Locust Avenue in Fairmont), Bro. Don (Bridgeport lodge) who has basically no family, no visitors - he lights up when a brother talks to him, so when you’’re driving down Locust Avenue, take a 10 minute detour, oK?

To paraphrase (poorly) something Rev. Josh said today in church, we gotta play ALL the time like it's 4th down with 10 seconds to play, 'cause we just don't know when the clock is really going to run out.

Acacia 157

Roger D. Curry, J.D.
Curry & Swisher, pllc213 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV 26554
Fax 304-363-1143
Cell 304-282-8013

25 April 2008

The Dark Angel is taking another run at Bill Reid

Brethren -

The Dark Angel hasn't given up by a long sight - Wor. Bill Reid had what a doc described as a "massive" heart attack in the bottom of his heart about 7 AM today. He was quickly transferred back to Mon General, where they put in some more stents and put him up in cardiac care. He knows that he is in great danger and that he's says that he's mainly in God's hands. I don't believe in spouting doom & gloom to someone that sick, but he doesn't want sunshine blown at him, either, if the sun ain't shining. He is fully competent, making his own decisions. There is no phone in his room. Cards to Monongalia General Hospital, J.D. Anderson Drive, Morgantown, WV 26505. Emails to me or GaryBolyard@att.net, we'll print and forward.

Lots of brothers came running today. Observation: Perhaps our obligations are hard, but they are really simple. I'm getting two rules that the brethren are faithfully following: (1) Show brotherly love. (2) When the going gets tough, keep showing brotherly love.

Acacia 157

24 April 2008

Revised and verbose-lite ranting

The opinion page editor of the Charleston Gazette sorta thought that 1700 words was a bit too much of a diatribe. So, like discarding precious gems, I cut the op-ed about Justice Maynard to 995 words:


Hmmmmm - perhaps less wordy is better. But don't remind me, I need to thrive on my verbosity.

Pippa passes.


21 April 2008

Communication from Elu; Things in Court; Shallow Values; Pride goeth along with ignorance; and other snippets

The office has heard from The Elu. He sent the following brief email:

To: R. Curry, atty
From: The Elu Hisself
21 April 2008

Stopover in Barbados. Sunny & warm.
Notify broker to sell immediately all of my preferred stock in Susquehanna Hat Company, invest immediately in Bacardi - Rum is the coming thing down here. Don't sell the common stock, I still intend to be the board's official irritant.
More later.

Interesting notes from Court:

In a hearing last week, a mom made excuses for a 19 y.o. kid having used marijuana by saying that “everyone does it.” I could hear the Judge’s intake of breath, and waited for him to react. He waited until ruling and commented with some heat that all kids do NOT use weed, and that attitude is disturbing. Let me say that I agree.

In the same hearing, a 19 y.o. man proudly testified that he had called the police when his mother called him on the phone and was nasty to him. You’ve got to be kidding me! Have people forgotten how to hang up? Would your momma really scare you in a phone call? This is emblematic of a bigger problem, that we are becoming, as Justice Neely suggests, busy, lazy and scared, and expect the police or the courts or the counselors or the pills or the schools or the welfare department or anybody but ourselves to solve all of our problems, even if they are not really problems. That this infantile behavior is so rampant is really disturbing.

Shallow Values Festival:

La J & I went to the movies Saturday night. (This is rather a treat in that I can now use the seats.) We saw 21, a movie about MIT students hitting casinos in Las Vegas at blackjack. I don’t pretend to do movie reviews, but this one disturbed me. It has some vague positive reference to things like study and work, but the theme is that thin-to-nonexistent values are lots of fun and for some reason useful. I cannot imagine something more boring than gambling in Vegas (or anywhere else, for that matter.) However, the protagonists get a charge out of taking money from the casinos (which doesn’t terribly offend me), screwing one another to distraction (ditto), but also they glorify profligate spending on silly “luxuries,” (thousand dollar suits, that sort of thing), the superiority of riding in limos, the joy of having their asses kissed by “servants” at the hotels, and hooking up with “dancers” at strip bars. The closing scene extols all of the above as a superior life experience which translates into splendid success in honest and hard work and study. Traditional “liberals” sternly declare all that communications are good and valid because the First Amendment permits us to make them. What a silly notion. There are lots and lots and lots of socially unacceptable and destructive messages out there. They are all protected. It is up to responsible citizens to reject those messages and introduce the young in our society to the ever-present Dr. Reality. I just came into possession of Henry Ward Beecher’s Addresses to Young Men, with an 1897 inscription. I’ve just read the first chapter, “Industry and Idleness,” and wouldn’t you know, the same sorts of issues that are flaming problems today were flaming problems then. Go figure.

The movie did prompt thought about one thing: There is something called the Monty Hall Paradox (google it) which is a mathematical proof that defies logic. I’ve read it over and over, and I confess that I still don’t see it.

This leads me to preliminary thoughts on a related topic. We idealize celebrities and also “ordinary people” of a particular description. Our “ideal” person is a conventionally physically attractive person between the ages of 18 and 27 (there are a few exceptions for unusual people outside that age range). Usually they can sing well, or at least “rap.” (However, I think that anyone can probably rap if only they can suspend their embarrassment at looking and sounding like an idiot and pompous jerk.) Their degree of intelligence and record of good judgment, service, demonstrated willingness to work, success from work, loyalty to friends, loyalty to family, loyalty to God or any other positive attribute matter not a bit at all. Persons not of that description are fundamentally life support systems for the Beautiful People, and so they/we are a dreary necessity. Moreover, after even the Beautiful People attain the age of 28 or so or, Lord forbid, start acting in mature or responsible ways, they are no longer Beautiful and the remainder of their lives are wasted. Well, I detect a longer essay looming, but these were the thoughts on my mind right now.

The sports news is full of the story of Danica Patrick who “broke down” after winning her first Indy Car race. Give me (another) break! This is a person at the pinnacle of a highly competitive sport. As is the case with most athletes, God has given her enormous gifts – do you think that it’s easy to drive at 220 mph? And, she has worked very, very hard to develop those gifts. So she’s emotional winning a race. Why is that news, particularly news tinged with negativity or “understanding” because she’s a woman and women do that?

As I was going into Fairmont General tonight, I once again saw a strange sign posted by the main elevator: “We proudly serve Starbucks coffee.” How’s that again? Why is buying a certain brand of coffee something that engenders pride? How about a sign “We pay a living wage,” or “We saved Joe Smith’s life,” or “Our CEO comes to work at 6 AM”? THAT would be something to be proud about. Oh, I always buy coffee on the way in or out of the hospital, and the urns say “Maxwell House.” Now, that, I’d be proud of.

Outside ICU Friday night was a family, a dad, mom and a couple of kids. They were going in and out of ICU, and from their demeanor, tears, etc., it is obvious that someone loved by them was dying. I mentally debated a minute, and finally talked to them just a bit - that we in the community know that this is a hard time, all of that. I don’t want to intrude. But I don’t want to ignore people genuinely in pain. My dad always said that we each have a ministry. Only relatively recently have I figured out what he was talking about. At least, figured it out more than my prior profound ignorance.

My op-ed about Justice Maynard hit the net this weekend. We’ll see if and where it’s published. I expect a good bit of negative feedback. Screw ‘em, the First Amendment means me, too.

A number of contemporaries are running for judicial office. I have clearly told them that (1) I'd help (those of) them (I like) with campaign stuff and (2) I'll duly kiss their keisters when they are on the bench, but if their opponents win, then it's their keisters which will get the smooch.

Pippa passes.

Yours for candor,

update - bill reid - monday night

Brethren -

When the Dark Angel finally comes for Bill, he'd better bring friends, or Bill's gonna thump him black & blue. Bill came through the surgery that doctor's said he had a 50-50 chance of surviving, was ready to go to a regular room, but got a bed in HealthSouth Rehab Hospital (same building as Fairmont General) today. He has a phone - direct dial is 304-367-7436. He's in Room 436, Fairmont General Hospital, Locust Avenue, Fairmont WV 26554. Emails to me or Bro. Gary Bolyard, garybolyard@att.net - I'm traveling for the next 3 days.

Bill thinks it's rather amusing that he keeps beating the odds, and keeps turning up again.

Visiting hours Monday through Friday after 4 PM, Saturday after 1 PM, Sunday all day. Go see Bill!

Acacia 157

Roger D. Curry, J.D.
Curry & Swisher, pllc
213 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV 26554
Fax 304-363-1143
Cell 304-282-8013

19 April 2008

Update - Bill Reid - Saturday, 19 April

Brethren - Billy's doing well - he remains in ICU at Fairmont General, mainly because there's no other room in the inn at the moment. The plan is to send him to a regular room when they have one, then he'll have a phone.

ICU staff is both gratified and amused by all the brothers showing up - keep it up.

Cards to Fairmont General Hospital, Locust Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554; Emails to me, I"ll print them & take them to Bill.

Pippa passes.

Acacia 157

15 April 2008

Bill Reid's rough couple of days

Brethren -

Bill has surely had a rough couple of days. Last night, he broke his hip at the personal care home. (While we were waiting on the ambulance, Bill told me that he felt his hip break, and that caused him to fall.) The docs talked/consulted a great deal today about what to do - 4 of them were in on coming up with the recommendation to Bill - Bill was alert and in pretty good spirits under the circumstances. The docs recommended that he go ahead and have surgery even thought it was extremely risky given his heart, lungs & diabetes. He had the surgery this evening by dr. Thrush, and Dr. Thrush told us that it went as well as it could, that his bones were in pretty good shape, and that he obviously has a lot of very serious health problems going on. Bro/Dr Brad Miller was there most of the day (it was his day off, too) and sat with the bunch of folks while the surgery was going on.

Bill knew that this was really serious - while waiting for the ambulance he used a phrase we know intended for times of distress - Well, he's a man's man, has great faith, and is fighting hard.

The docs said this evening, essentially, that they're helping the Architect, and that He is really the one in charge of Bill's future.

Bill will be in intensive care for a couple of days, mainly because the surgery had to have stressed his heart, etc. Visitation is somewhat restricted, but the people in the ICU understand that the brothers will slip in and out. He has no phone right now.

Cards to Fairmont General Hospital, Locust Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554 - emails to me, and I'll print them off and take them to Bill.

Bill has been getting great care from everyone, including the Architect.

Acacia 157

Roger D. Curry, J.D.
Curry & Swisher, pllc
213 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV 26554
Fax 304-363-1143
Cell 304-282-8013

09 April 2008

Directions to Bill Reid's temporary residence

Brethren - Bro. Bill Dulaney reminded me (gently!) that not everybody knows Fairmont - So here's how to get to Fitzwater's, where Bill Reid is at - it's on the end of Locust Avenue toward the downtown, on the right up on the hill as you leave the downtown (where the courthouse is at) - our office is a big grey house with flags on the right with a sign, and Fitzwater's is the buff brick building next up the street, also with a sign. Locust Avenue is the street that the hospital and college is on. If you get lost, just call me and I'll get you there.

Acacia 157


Update on Bill Reid - Wednesday, 8 April

Brethren -

Bill was released from Mon General today, and is now at Fitzwater's Personal Care at 219 Locust Avenue in Fairmont - big buff brick building right beside our offices - Bro.Dr. Brad Miller has a medical plan, and he's the guy in charge - some kinds of rehab, get Billy built back up. - Bro.Doc has a plan.

In the meantime, Fitzwaters is a good place- a dear friend who is a social work consultant did a lot for us on this - also, i've been leaning on lots of the brothers, inclduing Bro. Gary Bolyard, Bro. Don Neptune and Bro. Gary Donaldson. Bill's neighbors and friends have been magnificent.

GO VISIT BILL - he needs it - I think that soon he'll be back to coaching (he ran me through some stuff while he was hospitalized), and that's the stuff that energizes him and keeps him going - besides, there's nobody who's a better coach - if there is not sufficient privacy to do that in the personal care place, I'm giving him a key to my office (and I gotta remember to tell him the alarm code!), so he can take a walk, coach and get out some. Visiting hours are 10AM to 8PM - WHen he's feeling good, you can take him to dinner, etc. - the folks at Fitzwaters are very easygoing - Also, there is another brother there, Bro. Don, so look in on him, too - Bro. Bolyard is asking his/our pastor to look in on Bill, too.

Tomorrow, my paralegal Kathy Angelucci (wife of Bro. Mark) is going over with a cell phone to give to Bill - his number while he's there will be 304-282-3187 - it should be in service Wednesday afternoon. CALL BILL. I think we have a way to get stuff that Bill will need from his house (by copy of this email, I am advising my moving-stuff-go-to-guy, my son Tim, that we need his strong back and his truck!!)

Cards/letters are good, send them directly to 219 Locust Avenue, Fairmont, WV 26554. Emails send to me, I'll print them off and take them to Bill.

BUT HE NEEDS TO SEE PEOPLE - so drop by, and don't forget Bro. Don.

I'm out of town tonight, I know that some brothers are looking in on Bill this evening in the new place.

Brethren, as a garden variety Master Mason, I think that the response of the brothers in Bill's illness has been an example of the best of Freemasonry.

Acacia 157

Roger D. Curry, J.D.
Curry & Swisher, pllc
213 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV 26554
Fax 304-363-1143
Cell 304-282-8013
lawyer - writer - longhunter - steward

06 April 2008

The contest endures; rabbis abound; and other offerings

Bro. Joel is right about Pippa Passes - but (1) as kin and (2) at his request, he is DISQUALIFIED from the cornucopia, the horn of plenty, the carefully selected volume from Roger's Endless Box of Books. So the contest continues! Who can best answer WHY that phrase is used in blog entries, articles and most of my emails? Winner will be announced sometime Friday night, 11 April. Obviously, I'll need corporeal address - However, the fact that Elu elected to divert his friends to this humble scribe does not mean that anyone needs to "uncloak." I will jealously guard the identity, etc., mainly by the process of forgetting to write it down anywhere except the label of the book package.

I have had a flash of inspiration or, indeed, divine revelation concerning the five clerics/spiritual advisors who are currently present in my life. It is unfortunate that the term "rabbi" went out of style for Christian clerics. They are rabbis in the old meaning: teachers. It's improbable that these five will ever gather together in the physical world - Parson Jim and Pastor Josh are in West Virginia; Bro. Joel in Indiana; and Father Dick & Mother Kristina (my titles) are in New Orleans. But they are bound together nevertheless. I have at different times suggested to each of them that they begin to sell indulgences, and so far none of them has taken me up on it. The term "rabbi" reminds me of a fellow I worked EMS with 25+ years ago - that was his nickname, "Rabbi," because he would strongly sermonize drunks who got us out of bed to go pick them up. Um, I don't think the sermons did much good. But he tried.

I went to two political fundraisers (the local catchy term these days is "friendraisers") this afternoon. I'm sometimes agog seeing how many people I know and feel comfortable with. Politics has the capacity to generate hard feelings, and there are some "feuds" around here which go back many elections. I'm not a part of any particular "faction" of the Democratic party other than the "unify after the primary" crowd. Nevertheless, there are and will be a few hard feelings in some of the races. I am sending around an op-ed in favor of a candidate for the Supreme Court. I sent a draft to a very dear friend (who is a lawyer) and she responded in the most appropriate and remarkable manner: "Roger, I respectfully disagree with everything you're saying. Oh, let's get together for coffee soon." See? It actually is possible to disagree without being disagreeable.

I've been "observing" the content of various ritual things that we humans do of late. One that struck me was the service of "Tenebrae," which I had never heard of, which involved "stripping the sanctuary," covering all the symbols, removing the flags, etc. While I had never seen this particular ritual, it closely resembles others that I have seen where participants are reminded of sadness or mourning and ritualistically turn their thoughts inward, and focus on concentration and reflection. Some would disagree, but I find the practice of focused reflection to be a valuable one. Certainly, you can overdo reflection, when it is done to the point that you are frozen and take no action in the physical world. But fools do rush in, and we often are reluctant to admit that we should have thought a bit first.

Experience and reflection: I have always been reluctant to do the visit-the-sick-at-the-hospital thing. Most of that has been justified by my belief that the patient needs quiet, rest and treatment, and that visitors don't provide any of that. I'm thinking that maybe I'm wrong. When family is an inpatient, the stay-away rule just doesn't apply. That should have been a hint to me. With the hospitalization of friends lately (this blog is one place that the brothers are being kept up to date on Bill Reid), it appears that the connection to the non-sick world is really important to the ill. I am still of two (or more) minds about the degree of candor that is appropriate with these folks. If they truly look bad, do you tell them they are looking fine? I have problems with that. If they indeed are going to die and know it, what are "the right words"? Well, these thoughts are a work in progress.

This is a rather wandering post this evening. It reminds me of the old song, "I Wonder as I Wander." I've used that in closing arguments to juries on occasion over the years - it's a rather gentle, flowing notion. I've been writing intensely for hours today, but almost none of it is for consumption beyond very small groups.

La J is peeved that the neighborhood deer are eating her day-lilies. I'm rooting for the deer.

Pippa passes.


05 April 2008

update - Bill Reid - Saturday night, 5 April

Brethren -

I hoped to have a good report on Bro. Bill Reid today - he was released from Mon General and sent home yesterday. Today, however, he was doing poorly, and just didn't have the strength to be at home and function, even with someone there with him, and he also was having further physical symptoms. The rescue squad took Bill back to Fairmont General and after he was evaluated in the ER, he was transferred by ambulance back to Mon General. Bro. Gary Bolyard and Bro. Don Neptune came running up to the hospital to assist when they heard, and Bro. Gary got his pastor, Josh Patty, also to come up to provide much-needed support.

So, Bill is in Room 408 at Monongalia General Hospital, J.D. Anderson Drive, Morgantown, WV 26505. Send him cards, go see him. He will have a phone in his room, but I suggest waiting until Sunday morning to call him - as I write this, they are still doing the checking in and evaluation process, and that's pretty confusing. Also, email Bill, send them to me, and I'll print them off and take them to him.

Brethren, I have another observation - This is the third time that Bill has needed EMS in the past month. Each time, the rescue squad has come promptly and the folks working for them were quiet, quick and competent. When nothing goes wrong, sometimes we forget these guys. So when you see them, wave, or thank them. If they drive past your church on Sunday morning, don't get annoyed - stop the service for a quick prayer for their safety and the safety of those they treat. They're doing it for us.


Roger D. Curry, J.D.
Curry & Swisher, pllc
213 Locust Avenue
Fairmont, WV 26554
Fax 304-363-1143
Cell 304-282-8013

04 April 2008

Are school bonds boring? $40 Million says they're not. And a few minor rants. Oh, and a note for Spidey.

I went to a breakfast at Westchester this morning put on by the Committee for the School Bond, or some such organization. $20 a head, lots of people turned out. Actually, it seems that the same people turn out for all of these community things.

At the outset, let me say that I have always supported school bonds, and I support this one. Education is one sacred trust of society. One which we're not very good at, by the way.

The Board of Education is seen as a no-future, hack political post of no real meaning. It's made fun of. Mark Twain said: "First God made idiots. He was practicing. Then he made school boards." Consider however: The Marion County Board of Education has 5 members. They have issued a bond call returnable at the May 13 primary for $40.1 MILLION dollars, and they home that the state SBA (School Building Authority) tosses in another $21 million. As is the case with every bond I've seen for years, there are projects spread all over the county which, in my cynical world, is a way to get support for the bond from everyone. That is terribly short-sighted and it's a darn shame that it's reasonable given past voting patterns. Again, Dr. Reality dictates things that aren't terribly palatable. So, on average, each Board member controls $12 Million. That's not a hack job. Remember Vice-President Spiro Agnew? He went to the vice-presidency from the governorship of Maryland. He became Governor right after serving on the Baltimore School Board, and that's where his initial malfeasances took place.

Part of the bond will be used to raze Miller, Dunbar and the current East Fairmont Junior High School. I'm a touch disappointed that Butcher School isn't on the list. It's located right at the end of the Fourth Street Bridge (featured in Fairmont native John Knowles least known book, A Vein of Riches) and Butcher has been a malignant eyesore for 30 years.

The Committee is talking about how the schools can be used in the community. Well, that hasn't really been tried yet, has it? We spend LOTS of money on school facilities and they are dreadfully under-utilized. One reason is that the Board fears that if they let one group use the schools, then they'll have to open it to the Wiccans and Satanists and Khmer Rouge and who knows who else. Nuts. We need to have the courage to apply common sense to utilization of public facilities. This is a subject I've harped on for years in the Boy Scout Council. Our 4 county area has a WONDERFUL 1000 acre camp that is DREADFULLY underutilized. We need to be providing opportunities for our people, not using public or semi-public places as private clubs.

Oh, one of the projects for the bond is a new gym for North Marion High School. That's where the former gym (which is what, maybe 30 years old?) essentially collapsed because it was built on pyritic soil. (Soil having pyrites is unstable, and takes the use of pilasters or some such to have a stable foundation.) One hopes that a soil engineer will be used this time, as was recommended by the architect the LAST time.

Let's see - $40 Million - how much is that? Well, about 4,000 bottom of the line Hyundai sedans. 40,000 laptop computers. 6 medivac helicopters. 400 decent homes. We are talking a LOT of money and, frankly, all of the rah-rah trivializes that. On the other hand, the public isn't taking a very strong position participating in the life of the community, and that's a fundamental problem.

Let me rant on a tangent - the shooting last weekend at that low-class bar at 5th & Fairmont - there was a drunken, unruly crowd of WITNESSES, none of whom had the courage or the character to come forward and tell the police what happened. Friends, if we are too busy, too lazy or too afraid to participate in the safety of our community, it's not going to be safe. The City has 3 or 4 cruisers out on midnight shift - the County about the same - and the State Police aren't out regularly at night. It's OUR community, and WE have the responsibility to keep it safe.

I did have some theological questions prompted by the Bond breakfast. Rev. D. D. Meighen (aside - he is a great guy, works VERY hard for the community, and I love the guy) prayed that God would help get the School Bond passed. First, is that a proper subject for a prayer? Does God vote? What if opponents of the School Bond also invoke the blessing and assistance of The Almighty? How does God choose? If the opponents don't call on God, with D. D.'s prayer make the passage more likely? I'm much more comfortable in asking God for wisdom and strength and guidance, not corporeal miracles or intervention in non-spiritual matters.

While I'm on theology, I have a question for Pastor Josh and Brother Joel (who is a pastor in Indiana) - the part in the Lord's Prayer about ". . . forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us . . ." - is that conditional? In other words, are we asking for forgiveness and independently ask for assistance to forgive others? Or are we striking a deal whereby we agree to be forgiven commensurately with how we forgive others? Sorry, boys, you're going to have to endure rather elementary theological questions for a long time to come.

The West Virginia Lawyer Magazine has picked up this poor scribes review column. The biggest problem will be keeping it short enough for space limitations. So many books, so little time. The first pilot installment was published in the March-April issue, found at: http://www.wvbar.org/barinfo/lawyer/marapr2008.pdf

The Bar previously has published isolated reviews and a couple of stray articles.

I also have several writing projects - one of them is a book of things I've learned or believe. One is sticking in my mind tonight: "If the question is, 'has anyone called 911 about this yet?', the answer is 'no,' so go ahead and make the call." A minute of delay can make a BIG difference.

Personal to Spidey: Dearest, if you'll put my email address as a user who can visit your blog, I'd love to look in on you!

Pippa passes. (Which will again be explained in the Fullness of Time. Perhaps a contest! A book from Roger's Endless Box of Books to the person who tenders the best explanation for that phrase! Postage paid, even if it's to Sarai in Hawaii or Clank in the U.K.! Contest ends one week from tonight, 11 April 2008)


03 April 2008

A trio of observations

I've gone through all of the debris in my pocket notebooks tonight, and garnered some short subjects. That's a habit that I got from my Dad, always carrying a small notebook and pen. There are things that you need to remember and "If it's not written down, it never happened."

Headline this evening: Bertinelli Blows Diet; She's Spotted Stuffing Her Face -

Well, that certainly is helpful, isn’t it. The public cannot stand to see someone successful in anything, rather they want to see the mighty fall and in so doing they can piously chant how they are themselves morally superior even to the rich or famous. A more helpful response might be, hey, Valerie, you’re looking good. Is there any way we can help you or encourage you? I know that weight-loss and maintenance is a lifetime struggle, and I really admire you for hitting it so hard. I really like you, and I want to help you. Nah, that would be asking too much.

Carefully screened psychics?

A radio commercial played this morning. The voice was that of a perky young woman with sparkle in her voice asking how you would know that the psychic you were consulting was good. The answer: Obvious - just call California Psychics. After all, their psychics are "carefully screened." I wonder - how does one go about carefully screening a psychic? At the interview, look at their aura? Peer into their soul? Or maybe require that they predict the Dow Jones Industrial Average withing 1 point for, say, next Thursday? Why do I doubt if the boss at California Psychics does any of these things? Why do I picture that s/he looks for a cheerful voice and a smooth patter?

More secrets that "they" don’t want you to know:

I saw a book in B&N this week. (Okay - I’m addicted to B&N; and Amazon; and Borders.) The title is The Secret Message of Jesus, and it’s another one of those "Bible code" kinds of books. Why do we always seem to need to know things that others don’t know, thereby proving that we are more sophisticated and smarter than the unwashed masses? I don’t think that there is a "Secret Message of Jesus." It seems to me that His message was pretty clear - Love one another; Do unto others . . . ; that sort of thing.

OK - The Bible Code - Very wise scholars plot out Bible passages in Hebrew on tables or charts and play a word search game to find prophetic references. They find, for example, foretelling of the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The problem here is that they only find this stuff after the events occur. I’ll consider taking these bozos seriously if they ever accurately predict something important in advance.

Pippa passes.


02 April 2008

Update - Bill Reid - Wednesday night, 2 April

Brethren -

Billy is up at Mon General, Room 404, has a phone in his room, 304-598-1672. Call him, write him, email him in care of me, he really needs to hear from the brothers.

He had a stent placed today, and says he feels really good. For unknown reasons, the doc just did one stent. We're figuring what home health stuff will be necessary, so that Bill can get home ASAP.


Roger D. Curry
Acacia 157