05 October 2017

A Tiny Bit More About Human Rights . . .

I saw an ad in the Fairmont paper today urging people to sign a petition to put the new Fairmont Human Rights Ordinance on the ballot.  It was signed by Citizens for Public Safety or some such  lofty name. [1] (The person who paid for the ad identified him/herself.  Frankly, I don’t recall who it was, and s/he is to be commended for not doing it anonymously.  There are too many cases of “internet balls” where people don’t identify themselves.)

I’ve heard that one reason for the uproar is the gender identity thing and bathrooms.  Let me say, I don’t  understand the gender identity thing and it’s no higher than 58th on the list of stuff I want to find out  about. 

But, let’s assume that the new members of the Human Rights Commission are a bunch of gender identity freakazoids who have it as their sole goal in life to eliminate separate bathrooms. 

There is NOT ONE DAMN THING they can do to advance such a plan.  They can talk.  Period.  There are so many things to be upset about in government that it smacks of the ridiculous to get upset about something that no one, however allegedly warped, can do anything about.

In the  meantime, we STILL have joblessness, we STILL have child hunger, we STILL are selling our souls to the Chinese to buy shitty consumer products, we STILL have a health care system where lots of people can’t get treated for treatable conditions, we STILL have crimes and an armed citizenry (no matter what you think of it, we still have them and have to talk about it) . . .

So if we are going to protest, at least let’s protest something that matters. 


[1] I remember an opinion by my friend Justice Neely many years ago.  He was talking about harmless sounding names of organizations and acts of the Legislature.  He said that if the Legislature enacted a law to kill all women at age 60, they would call it the "Motherhood Improvement Act."  I wonder if we could accurately call groups what they really stand for - The Let's-Arm-Everybody Committee; The Only-Anatomical-Females-Can-Go-in-Women's-Bathrooms League; The Let-The-Other-Guy-But-Not-Me-Pay-Taxes Coalition.  Wouldn't that be refreshing?

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